Self Evident Truths [The]

The Self Evident Truths: a social pact and warrior’s code.

No First Degree Murder
No First Degree Rape
No First Degree Lying

Klans are sovereign. Violence, honour killings, patriarchal attitudes to gender roles, throwback beliefs about the superiority of one race over another, prescriptions of what constitutes food, lists of embargoed sex acts, outlandish concepts regarding the fair distribution of wealth: these are all Kin internal matters. In the Lok, there are Klans who are ‘guilty’ of each of these—and many other problematic behaviours. If one Klan takes exception to the behaviour of another, violence is a perfectly acceptable option. Even Klans and individuals who follow the SETs are not immune, but for anybody breaking the SETs the possibility of thuggery becomes an inevitability…

Legal Framework for Self-Evident Truths (SETs)
Article 1: Prohibition of First-Degree Murder 1.1. First-degree murder, characterized by premeditation and malice aforethought without mitigating altruistic intentions, is strictly forbidden.

Article 2: Prohibition of First-Degree Rape 2.1. Rape is defined as compelling an individual to engage in non-consensual activity that causes discomfort, suffering, or anguish, whether mental or physical. 2.2. First-degree rape, involving non-consensual acts causing significant harm or distress, is strictly prohibited.

Article 3: Prohibition of First-Degree Lying 3.1. First-degree lying is defined as the intentional and premeditated dissemination of false information with the aim of inciting atrocity, manipulating society, or exploiting fears and cognitive vulnerabilities. 3.2. The prohibition on first-degree lying safeguards societal stability and protects against the manipulation of klans to incite war or chaos.

Note: Sovereignty of Klans Klans are recognized as sovereign entities with authority over their internal affairs and practices. In the event of disputes or concerns between Klans, kinetic disputes are not prohibited.

Note: Violations of the Self-Evident Truths will result in enforcement actions. Klans and individuals who breach the SETs will face the highly probable prospect of kinetic enforcement.

Note: Importance of the Third SET against First-Degree Lying The third SET, which prohibits first-degree lying, plays a crucial role in preserving societal integrity and preventing manipulation. Its purpose is to shield society from the dissemination of falsehoods that may incite atrocity or foster demagoguery. Violations of the third SET are of particular concern and warrant heightened vigilance.

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