Print all the Money

10 Trillion is such an inconcievable sum that we seem to have lost touch with reality.
M3, M4 etc. We are pumping out money, making money with money. We have lots of money but what is any of it worth?
At least the paper it is printed on I suppose?

So if we wanted to print all the money, how much would it cost?
Even if it was just a penny a note, for 1000€ bills, it would still cost 100 Million.
Silly enough?

Apple TV

Apple TV
I have a feeling that we are about to see a real apple TV. Forget the current set-top box Idea, that was just a way to thrash out the bugs. Think iMac for the living room. The point here is that all people can buy TVs, people over 50 (yea this is condescending) don't understand computers or consoles, there is a fear of the unknown that makes them hostile to these new fangled gadgets. But eveybody understands a TV. Perhaps 50% of this group will never use iTunes to download a movie but every one that does is a formely unreachable customer. Just a thought.