Hive Mind

Another path to the Singularity – Mind Swarms & Gestalt Personalities.
How long can fragile human egos remain intact against the coming of the Hive Minds? 
“I can imagine surgeons coordinating surgery together or mathematicians visualizing the solution to a problem together. Or musicians and artists with a new way of working creatively.”

Technology Wagging the Dog

Are we still wearing the wizards hat? Has the golem blinked?

Technology is happy to take us with it,  towards its womb – an obscure grey cloud sparkling with nano-bots and AIs – as long as we don’t dare touch the reigns!

Technology is the phenotype. We are the cellular machinery encoding its genome.

Stone Tools Before Homo

The production of the earliest stone tools has now been bushed back to 2.6 million years ago, before the homo genus even evolved, and half way back to our split from chimpanzees! (although this split is a very vague date). Chimps have also recently been shown to use spears to hunt other mammals.

The vast amount of time between then, and 50K BCE when we started doing all the other interesting human things we are so proud of, is staggering – what were we doing for two and a half million years?! Probably chilling.

(Image source: