No Country for Men

Women’s jobs safe from robots, Men’s jobs less so:

I worked in Austria years ago on a dairy farm turned hotel. Historically the men had worked the farms while the women had stayed at home running the house. Tourism had upset the status quo. Farming was marginalised, families prospered from the tourist money, women gained status – the men sat in cafes and bars and many took up the popular local hobby of alcoholism.

Eternal Youth from Young Blood?

Demographics shifts wealth and power to the old. Youth gets student debt, unpaid internships, crazy property prices and now the prospect of getting the life squeezed out of them – drop by drop – to keep a population of ageing vampires young.

I can’t see this ending well.

Technology Wagging the Dog

Are we still wearing the wizards hat? Has the golem blinked?

Technology is happy to take us with it,  towards its womb – an obscure grey cloud sparkling with nano-bots and AIs – as long as we don’t dare touch the reigns!

Technology is the phenotype. We are the cellular machinery encoding its genome.