Nano Technology Now – Photonic Muscle

Using polarisation direction as a mechanism for switching molecules and macro materials between stable shapes.

Here to control the fine tuning of a huge gossamer mirror.

Multiplexing lasers avoids the need for wiring.

Makes me think of implementing cellular automaton rules on a two dimensional membrane.

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts



Oil is still spilling in the Gulf of Mexico. It numbs me to think about that horror. It seems that all the environmentalist shouting for 30 years has averted nothing. We have destroyed our planet. The leaking oil was the final straw, now it’s done: Borg-Earth or if we are lucky Trantor or Coruscant.

Singular Analogies

The universe gets rid of its entropy by sending it into black holes, which eventually evaporate. Disorderly solar systems full of planets and ecosystems swallowed up into nice neat points.

I think this analogy holds. The sovereign entities will now get sucked down into financial black holes before finally disappearing in a puff of fiat currency. Thus leaving the system purged and reset – ripe for colonization by a new wave of entropy producing entities in the post national era.