Category: Uncategorized
The worst of all possible worlds?
In IT it is often the case that the more efficient an algorithm is in time, the more bloated it will be in memory space. The opposite is also true: It is a rule of thumb that processor cycles and memory footprint are antagonistic.
Some weird, but elegant, new theories in physics and cosmology seem to show something similar: theories that conserve on constants seem to splurge universes.
Promiscuous with universes:
The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics; the universe is a black hole, and all black holes are universes; even the SL4 idea that the world is probably a simulation.
What if they are all true?
If everything is meaningless spam.
If every minor decision makes a swarm of new Me’s; if each black hole is the root of another infinite tree of universes; and if in each universe millions of instances of reality are running in simulations.
Gazillions of Me’s and all those I love.
And if, as each simulation server crashes, or each black hole evaporates, infinities of souls are wiped out.
How can anyvody aspire to seek any meaning, beyond personal gratification, against such a nightmare of chaos?
(I do though, anyway)
Franchised Topology
You want to meet up with your buddy in Johannesburg, but don’t want the 12hour flight? Just pop on your VR overlay spex and head off to a local pub, let the Spex superimpose vis photo realistic avatar over the environment.
Vis avatar mimics vis real movements gesture for gesture. Head, and pupil tracking keep his position consistent as you move around. But unless you are in an empty room ve will seem to walk through tables, and vis glass will hover in the air, the illusion will be broken.
The solution is..
to standardise the topology of the shared spaces. Mac Donald’s could build all its restaurants with the same floor plan, allowing the remote virtual dinners to interact consistently with their locally corporal colleague’s environment. A glass placed on a table in Jo’burg will appear to rest on an identically positioned table in London. Open VML descriptions of these geometries would allow small restaurants and bars to standardise too. Add payment integration: You buy the attractive lady a drink unaware that your spex are blitting her in from Moscow, but the system knows; so routes your request to that pub. You watch the Russian waitress swaying between the tables (identically placed in both bars) to bring your new friend the drink. Shortcomings may be discovered if the evening keeps on going so well, but telepresence prosthetics can probably help there.