Kāla Mārga and Kāla Mārga Granthi

From Wisdom of the Star Shamen:

“I left the path of Kāla Mārga. I floated above the braided shining mirror realms. In time, I left these too. I fled Mārga Granthi. Behind me were all familiar permutations. I had risen above the choreography of known history. Escaping our shared realities, I came to the place where the inconceivable meets the familiar; where the Plurality swells and contracts to the rhythm of Brahma’s cosmic breath…

Now I have returned, bearing with me the whispers of the dreaming stars. Though words may mumble, the essence endures—the unity of all, the dance of spirits entwined; Kāla threads, lives lived, the tapestry of time.”

Unknown, 1820s

The StarShamen see time in terms of Kāla Mārga and Kāla Mārga Granthi:

Kāla Mārga (noun): /ˈkɑːlə ˈmɑːrɡə/
“Kāla Mārga” is a luminous thread unfurling the unique odyssey of one life lived. [see Temporal Trajectory].

Kāla Mārga Granthi: /ˈkɑːlə ˈmɑːrɡə ˈɡrʌnθi/
“Kāla Mārga Granthi,” is a bundle [Granthi] of luminous threads [see Silver Cord], knotted and braided, weaving the celestial mandala. [see Temporal Trajectory Assemblages].


From Atlantis Academy of Sciences, Introduction to Temporal Trajectory Assemblages:

Kāla Mārga Granthi, in Sanskrit, “Kāla” refers to time, “Mārga” translates to path or trajectory, and “Granthi” translates to “knot” or “bundle.” It’s often used metaphorically in spiritual and philosophical contexts to denote complex or intertwined issues, barriers, or intricacies that need to be untangled or understood. In some traditions, “Granthi” refers to psychic or energetic knots within the body that can be resolved through meditation and spiritual practice. “Kāla Mārga Granthi” can be understood as a bundle of paths through time.

Kāla: The term “Kāla” has deep philosophical and cultural significance in Hinduism and Buddhism. It refers to time, not just in a linear sense, but also as a concept encompassing the cyclic nature of existence and creation. It’s linked to concepts of creation, preservation, and dissolution.
Mārga: “Mārga” means path, way, or trajectory. It’s often used in spiritual contexts to denote the path or journey one takes toward a goal, often involving personal growth and transformation.
Granthi: is derived from the Sanskrit root “granth,” which means “to tie,” “to bind,” or “to knot.” The suffix “-i” is added to “granth” to form “Granthi,” indicating the agent or the one who ties or knots.
The concept of “Granthi” draws from the idea of something being intricately tied or knotted, whether literally or metaphorically. In a broader sense, it symbolizes the complexity and challenges of unraveling certain issues or gaining deeper understanding.


A reconstruction of a page from a 13th Century copy of the ‘Wisdom of the Moon Magii’. The acompanying text translates to: “The Paths of Kāla Mārga and the aggregations which are the Mārga Granthi (World Line Bundles). The Mārga Granthi are assemblages of many Life Paths, seen from the perspective of the Plurality, each Mārga Granthi is a Silver Cord, as from the perspective of the Mārga Granthi the individuated paths of Kāla Mārga are Life Paths. All is One, all is Song.”




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