Apes, AIs and Us

On first contact with our Great Ape cousins, we dressed them in clothes, gave them beds to sleep in and even took them for tea with the King.
They were people.

We are so close that a rat and a mouse are ten times as different from one-another as a Human and a Chimp. We will seem closer still when Super Intelligent AIs raise the cognitive bar and humans join the other animals as uncanny innocents.
Read how it plays out in @SingularitysChildren my new Novel
#SuperIntelligence #BugNet

Algorithmic Art

Feedback in Google pattern matching algorithms creates surreal dreamscapes:

Impressionism was fascinated by the nature of seeing, colour and optics.
Is human art just the externalisation of our visual algorithms?
In fact our entire culture can probably be considered an external manifestation of cognitive biases and neural architecture.

No Country for Men

Women’s jobs safe from robots, Men’s jobs less so:

I worked in Austria years ago on a dairy farm turned hotel. Historically the men had worked the farms while the women had stayed at home running the house. Tourism had upset the status quo. Farming was marginalised, families prospered from the tourist money, women gained status – the men sat in cafes and bars and many took up the popular local hobby of alcoholism.