Can we know what animals are thinking?

A nice article from the economist on animal minds.  “In 1992, at Tangalooma, off the coast of Queensland, people began to throw fish into the water for the local wild dolphins to eat. In 1998, the Dolphins began to feed the humans, throwing fish up onto the jetty for them. The humans thought they … Continue reading “Can we know what animals are thinking?”

Smart Animals using Complex Tools

Continuing the theme of animals being much smarter than we give them credit for, two stories about complex tool use in Crows and Dolphins: Dolphins Are Using Sea Sponges as Tools: New videos prove crows can make complex tools that only humans have made before: #SingularitysChildren #SciFi #NewBook

The Singularity: Are We There Yet?

Google places an engineer on leave after claiming an AI is sentient! Interesting milestone on the winding path to the Singularity—the winding path which is rapidly becoming a 5-lane Autobahn! Not likely to be true this time. As you know from my books, I believe that consciousness probably needs some special sauce—Infinite Substrate “Google … Continue reading “The Singularity: Are We There Yet?”