I sat down last week to discuss Sci-Fi and my books with the AuthorStory blog & channel. Alex, the host, is a massive Sci-Fi fan and we had a super conversation about Sci-Fi, technology, and my writing.
The episode is up now, check it out!
I sat down last week to discuss Sci-Fi and my books with the AuthorStory blog & channel. Alex, the host, is a massive Sci-Fi fan and we had a super conversation about Sci-Fi, technology, and my writing.
The episode is up now, check it out!
A digital doodle. I’m building the mood and characters for an upcoming book.
This is the Consensus interior of a Katarra Skiff; space would be significantly more cramped in the Real.
Under Power. Four Fustion Torch Kataraa Skiffs.
Coasting with Spin-Rings deployed to give crew and passengers pseudo-gravity.
Deploying Kataraa Tender to rendevous with habitat in orbit of Triton.
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