Cloning our long dead cousins—who we probably extincted with extreme prejudice—only to enslave them as the control systems for clunky robots…
At the very least this is a little insensitive; more likely its a provocation and justification for the coming oid uprising.
Whatever else, it’s certainly “Singularity” level wrongness and really needs to be logged in the book of bad ideas.
Project Proposal:
1: Sequence Neanderthal genome…. DONE ✓
2: Grow Neanderthal Brains in petri dish…. DONE ✓
3: Hardwire Arachnoid Kill-Bot to Neanthertoid Brain…. DONE ✓
What was that?
What about ethics you say?
Rubbing salt into the wound?
Nah, I’m sure it will be fine…
Neanderthals won’t hold a grudge for being exterminated 50K years ago only to be brought back as cybernetic slaves hard wired into servitor robots…
Watch the video here: