SciFi Art Feature — Jakub Javora

Greetings everyone!

For this SciFi Art Feature, I’d like to introduce you to Jakub Javora. He’s a professional artist who works in many different genres, and has quite a talent across the board— including in producing some pretty striking SciFi and post-apocalyptic imagery. Check out some samples of his work below; if you’d like to see more, here’s a link to his site! 🙂



He also does some pretty amazing animated work, which I’ll leave you to explore on his site linked above; thanks for your fantastic artwork, Jakub!

SciFi Art Feature — Alejandro Burdisio


Hey SciFi fans, I came across Alejandro Burdisio the other day, and wanted to share some of his stuff with you. He creates sureal, retro-futuristic concept art of floating cars, trains, and suburb-style town houses that I find quite lovely.

Have a look:

You can find more of his work here. Cheers! 🙂

Mind Viruses and Meme AIDS

I just published my first essay on It’s me trying to get down some recent thoughts about the abusive way media interacts with us lately.

Take a look and give me a clap or two if you enjoy it!


“Synthetic memeplexes — advanced, bespoke, hyper-persuasive mind parasites —cost money and are built to achieve a purpose. While their designers have the whole repertoire of human drives, vices, virtues, appetites, empathies, phobias and urges to play with, in practice, to best achieve their goals, the easiest buttons to press are the basest and most animalistic; start with outrage, fear, loathing and gluttony.”


Main Image: BANKSY — THE CAVEMAN, L.A. 2007