Human Origins

The narrative of the transition from Ape to Man is contained within one astonishing cut in the film 2001…

…but 4 Million years of history contains a lot of potential stories. I am thinking about setting my next novel (after the Singularity’s Children series) back at the Dawn of Man.

It looks like we coexisted and even bred with many other species of Hominid and some of those seem to have been pretty smart. Recent discoveries show that Neanderthals were making cave art hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Neanderthal cave art, spain.

Haplo Groups‘ markers allow us to trace humanities deep ancestry. We (Homo Sapiens) left Africa 70K years ago to spread our seed across the world, mingling and mating with the local—as we tend to do.

We eventually replaced the ‘other‘ and history started…

But I love the gaps—into which stories can be inserted!

Maybe I will set it 12,800 Years Ago at the onset of the Younger Dryas, the fall of Eden and the interment of  Goebekli Tepe.

Anyway, I think there is plenty of material for a book set at the Dawn of Man…
…what do you think? Would you read it? Or shall I go 12,000 years the other way?


(image: Neanderthal with face paint – Viktor Deak)

SciFi Art Feature — Alejandro Burdisio


Hey SciFi fans, I came across Alejandro Burdisio the other day, and wanted to share some of his stuff with you. He creates sureal, retro-futuristic concept art of floating cars, trains, and suburb-style town houses that I find quite lovely.

Have a look:

You can find more of his work here. Cheers! 🙂

Tech from Singularity’s Children—A Quantum Arms Race

In the first books of my Singularities Children series, I take today’s technology and jump it ahead by a decade or two—by book Three we are getting into more hard-core SciFi-tech like artificial consciousness and micro-fusion.

Quantum espionage is a theme that is important to the plot, but it will also become increasingly relevant in the real-world over the next decade. Together with a colleague, I have written a short piece on some new developments on the subject at It’s by no means required reading for the series, but if the topic interests you take a look.