2020 is looking to be a busy year! Here’s a quick update on my whereabouts this year (or at least the first half). I am continuing my ‘Deep Disruption‘ series of talks where I mix up ‘Enterprise Digital Transformation’ with ‘Near Future Techno-realism’.
First up, I will be speaking at SwitchOn in Stockholm on 13th Feb:
“Deep Disruption – How Business can Survive the coming ‘Great Global Weirding’.
The 2020’s are set to be the decade of backlash. The first Millennials will be turning forty. Gen-Z will be shaking the gates. Negative Interest Rates, Modern Monetary Theory and Universal Basic Income will disrupt the very concept of money…
What does it all mean for the successful enterprise wishing to navigate the next decade?”

On 13th May I will be heading to London to give the opening Keynote at the EDW Conference:
“A SciFi author’s perspective on the next decade of corporate change.
How Drones, AI, IoT and Augmented Reality will shake up the workplace and enable a generation of new Exponential Organisations.”

Then from 21st-23rd May I will be at Fantasy Basel, where I am planning on presenting:
“Deep-Fakes, Propaganda-Bots, Robo-Bosses, Mirror World, and more! The 2020’s – they gonna be weird!
As we enter the 3rd decade of the 3rd Millennium we find ourselves slipping closer to technology’s event horizon. Toby Weston—author of Big Idea Hard Science Fiction—talks about what to expect from the ‘Pre-Singularity’ years ahead and how his books chart a course through the Deep Disruption towards our glorious glittering future…”

If you are about in these cities around these dates, let me know. I try to walk the tightrope between ‘Enterprise appropriate content‘ and ‘wacky speculative futurism‘ but the corporate talks might be a bit dry for most of you SciFi fans. In any case, I’ll take the best of the more futuristic and light-hearted stuff into my Fantasy Basel talk. Hope to see you!