Replace CNN/Fox News tickers with relevant user generated content.

Make an overlay for a TV viewer (e.g. for mythTV) that overwrites the annoying ticker bar in CNN (etc.) with alternative content. e.g. fact checking from or putting stories in perspective: "although flooding in this small US town is tragic, there are currently 3000 major floods on earth affecting 160M people" etc. Stories rotate so frequently that a small group of people could create and schedule the content. The service could even sell google adwords in the ticker.Update: voice analysis for spotting lies would fit nicely in here too.

Cute Mini Elephants

Body shape variation in dogs as a training set for Genotype / Phenotype transformation.Sequence the genomes of all the true breeding varieties of dogs. The physical dimensions of the same set of dogs is also recorded. Now let some algorithm extract the correlations between shape and genome. An ideal outcome will be an application where the input is an initial dog shape and associated genome and a desired dog shape. The output will be a new genome.If these growth rules are conserved across species then the same application might be able to design a cute little short legged dog sized elephant.