Under Power. Four Fustion Torch Kataraa Skiffs.
Coasting with Spin-Rings deployed to give crew and passengers pseudo-gravity.
Deploying Kataraa Tender to rendevous with habitat in orbit of Triton.
Under Power. Four Fustion Torch Kataraa Skiffs.
Coasting with Spin-Rings deployed to give crew and passengers pseudo-gravity.
Deploying Kataraa Tender to rendevous with habitat in orbit of Triton.
The Caravan Transport carries several hundred people on long-duration, deep interplanetary missions. The transport is pushed by several (4-10) shuttle escorts. These ‘Dagger Skiffs‘ also provide defensive capabilities.
The ‘Caravan Transport‘ switches between a thrust-phase and coast-phase configuration. In the thrust-phase, the habitation modules are aligned with the axis of thrust. Acceleration in the range 0f 0.1 – 0.4g provides inertial gravity. In the coast-phase configuration, the habitation modules are deployed in a classic rotating hoop configuration generating spin-gravity for passengers and crew.
I’ve been absent from the Digital for the last few weeks ‘big pushing’ towards completion of ‘principle-wording‘ for Book Four – ReImagination.
I’ve finally done it! The draft is done and now with my editor. I am aiming for a summer launch (could be late Summer). There was a lot to tie together, much sweat and some swearing, but the people who have read it so far tell me it works and they like it!
Best yet if you ask me! 😉
Also – new cover artwork on its way!
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