Survival of the Richest!

Funny, spot-on, and morbidly depressing!
We must take this as a call to arms!!

Forget about socialism vs capitalism. Whatever we choose, let’s make sure our societies provide a safety net for these kinds of negative eventualities beyond the individual’s control.

This is why we pay government taxes. Not, as currently, solely to finance the creation of an environment designed to allow psychopathic, homovourous corporations to predate upon the poor and stupid.

Betelgeuse about to go Supernova?

Betelgeuse is still dimming, possibly a sign that it’s collapsing in on itself and is getting ready to go Boom!

Comparison shows Betelgeuse in Jan and Dec 2019. It has already dimmed by nearly 40%.

The star is a red supergiant in the constellation of Orion aprox 600 light years away and about 20 times as massive as the sun.

The last supernova in our galaxy was in 1604, so this is a pretty big deal.

If it does go bang, it will be as bright as the moon, but with all the light squeezed into a single point. Something like this:

and eventually we will see the shrapnel and gas:

Betelgeuse was also identified with Osiris by the ancient Egyptians:

“…until that day Osiris lives in the Duat, where he rules the Dead wisely and nobly as he ruled the living when on earth.
For though Horus fights with Set and the battles rage furiously, yet the decisive victory is not yet accomplished, and Osiris has never returned to earth again…”

Not a bad way for a race of visitors to mark a date in our calendar:

“By the way, we’ll be back when the red star winks then burns…”


Deep Disruption – The 2020’s

I’m just back from the SwitchOn event in Stockholm, Sweden.

As promised I’ve uploaded the slides and audio.
Here is a recording made on the day, sadly very poor audio:


If you really can’t stand the sound quality, here is a version I uploaded a few days before: