Free Gold

Negative interest rates, wholesale printing of currency, paper commodity markets a thousand times oversubscribed, unsustainable national debts and pointless austerity…
…any sane person must look at the financial system of the world as it currently stands and wonder how the hell this is all going to end.
But it’s OK. They big boys know what they are doing. 
There is an audacious plan to reset the global financial machinery. 
Its been running for over a decade. 
Some call it FreeGold:

Infants in a Hostile Digital Jungle – Programable People, Techno Social Engineering.

Deep Learning and Big Data will make machines omniscient and smart. People will be gullible and tractable in comparison; infants ripe for exploitation. 
The law won’t protect us, will: ‘Do No Evil’ or other vague self proclaiming slogans?
This is also one of the key themes in my new book: #SingularitysChildren #AI #Singularity  


Space and time are merely convenient metaphors for describing quantum information and computational complexity.

… and mind? 
Each I a small universe with significantly ordered quantum information. 

I is what it feels like to be a universe.

universe creates brain. brain creates people. you are people. you are. are is universe.