Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness

Key scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that consciousness is not reserved exclusively for humans.

(This was in 2012, so I am clearly very late to the party with this one but I wanted to blog it down on paper as it is such a key theme in Singularity’s Children)

Denial (Singularity’s Children Part 1)

Part 1 of Singularity’s Children.
available for pre-order and scheduled for publication: July 28, 2016
Available at Amazon.

An oblique
but familiar future. Biotech and neural interfaces have given voice to
locked-in intelligences, mosquitos are subsidised and the internet is
dying. It is a world desiccated by soulless algorithms, pacified beneath
the battle-suit’s boot and numbed by the bewitching voice of computational
for dignity and against irrelevance, rebellious minds must seek meaning beyond
the cultural desert:
Stella Sagong struggles with poverty and
exploitation, while living above a brothel on a huge floating tuna farm.
Niato Musiani, rejecting privilege allows
himself to be recruited into a life of eco-insurgency.
Keith Wilson attempts to cling onto his archaic
sense of ethics while grinding against suffocation by corporate morality.

Unprecedented accuracy and precision in decoding human perception

Plucking images from the stream of consciousness.

This version requires a net implanted beneath the skull. With technology following its usual course the next iteration will be some sort of wearable, and in a few years a Nimrod or AWACs flying overhead will be hoovering up your thoughts.

“Spontaneous Decoding of the Timing and Content of Human Object Perception from Cortical Surface Recordings”