Is there no chance to save traditional sci-fi from decline?

As a newcomer author, I can’t really judge from my own experience if Liu Cixin is correct… but I fear he might be…Interview with Chinese Hugo Award Winner Liu Cixin:

As a kid I remember thirsting for any anything that tasted of the future. Every drip of speculation about technology was absorbed like a drop of water on a parched dessert–

  –but now, I feel I am standing in a torrent of futurism; my orifices clamped tight shut else I bloat and explode from the pressure!
Against this, I can see how people see Science Fiction as more of the same.Summary: People are bored with novelty; they want familiarity!


Wired says “Chill: Robots Won’t Take All Our Jobs”

I usually like wired, but this piece is either totally misguided or cynically disingenuous…

The argument seems to turn on the fact that productivity (as economists measure it) is not surging, which we should expect if robots were providing most labour, making the handful of human workers left super productive.

There is no mystery; jobs are being degraded: people are being fired from high paying positions and re-hired as burger-flippers and janitors. Hours worked does not change, but the highly trained engineer is now asking “if you want fries with that”.

Also the ‘Deep Learning’ AI revolution is less than a decade old. Sufficiently advanced ‘oids‘ don’t exist yet: self-driving cars are not here; 3D printed houses still a few years away; AI chat bots are only now creeping into the work place. The Robo Advisors of FinTech are destroying the finance sector incumbents, but the big banks can’t fire people fast enough to maintain productivity against their collapsing profits.

Finally, companies are not investing, they are focused on short term cost saving, outsourcing, and downsizing. So even if the ‘oids‘ were available off the shelf, companies wouldn’t be interested yet. They will wait a few years until all the glitches are ironed out–

–even then, as the ‘oids‘ reach parity with humans, productivity may remain low as humans will be performing all the dirty and degrading work too low value for an expensive ‘oid‘.

Perhaps the author simply considers anything more than 5 years away as pointless SciFi speculation, and while the speculation is fun– please read my books!  🙂  –for those of us with kids, these topics are very real.

Visualizing a decent life on the moon.

NASA Judged, Moontopia Competition – Winner


These images kind of make me want to sign up as a pioneer…
OK, scratch that. Realistically, I guess I mean write a SciFi story about somebody else signing up.

“The Testlab settlement is based on the idea of the Russian Babushka
Doll — one layer protects the next. On the very inside of the settlement
are the Pods, which inhabit the private sleeping quarters, the communal
rooms, the greenhouse, as well as the experimental labs and the
necessary machinery to sustain life on the moon. Between the pods and
the outer most protective membrane is the void that acts as yet another
protective layer between livable and unlivable space.”



I actually think I like the Runner up even more: 
The moon has abundant resources on the moon… [but] it is has always
had a significant meaning to us, and therefore its original state must
be highly respected and preserved as much as possible
. Therefore we propose a space station not
built directly on the surface but orbiting around the moon with a cable
linked to the surface”