You’ve probably heard people insisting we need to ‘Build Back Better’ or invoking in hushed tones the mysterious ‘Great Reset’, but you probably don’t have much of a clue what these phrases actually mean…
Long story, short >>
We’ve had a bit of a wild party these past couple of centuries. We flushed a whole lot of toxic effluent into history’s toilet and it’s sluicing down the pipe towards us right now. There is no escape; but the good news is that planet’s wealthiest, most powerful people have a plan to save us all…
…a plan which incidentally allows them to keep all the cool stuff they screwed out of us while messing things up so bad in the first place.
Here’s a handy info-graphic:

Is this the only way, or are there perhaps other solutions we could try?


No silver bullets I’m afraid. We are just going to have to muddle through, making it up as we go along while paying the price for the poor decisions we made in the past.
Even so, let’s at least put all the cards on the table so everybody knows what game we’re playing!
Definition: Great Filter, in case all this has not depressed you enough.