Tech from Singularity’s Children: #BugNet

Wealth inequality exists between the rich and the poor.
All animals are poor.
In our world, so focused on economic worth, the gap between us and them keeps on widening.

To access to wealth, and revert some of the inequality—which has yawned like a gaping chasm since we lit our first fire—the animal kingdom needs access to the global economy.

This is the @BugNet (members only), a distributed, cryptographically secured economic protocol layer, accessible to both humans and animals via smartphone, neural-prosthetic or synthetic wealth-manager working behalf of your species.

New Scientist article Here

Tech from Singularity’s Children: 3D Printing Organs in Space

3D Tissue Printing in Space is another technology I play with in my Singularity’s Children books.

The ultra-rich have found a new way to stave of a visitation from the grim-reaper by packing themselves in gelly and shooting themselves into orbit. There, cloning, cybernetics, and 3D tissue printing can fashion them new bodies.

FT – Small ‘organoids’ grown in the lab could be used to treat chronic conditions

In Space, the printer can place cells anywhere without worrying about gravity deforming the growing wet blob. Nutrients can be misted across the pulsing membranes as a new vessel for an oligarchs consciousness takes shape…

Once the body is done and ready for a freshly scooped out brain, all the fiddly neural wiring can be handled by software. Bulk connections are made in the brain-stem and dynamically mapped to sensations or actions in the synthetic body.

That’s the SciFi, this is the fact:

“In the microgravity environment, cells exhibit spatially unrestricted growth and assemble into complex 3D aggregates, in contrast to typical growth in monolayer (2D) cultures as occurs on Earth. For over two decades, investigations conducted in space and on Earth have shown that 3D culture supports the generation of tissue-like characteristics in vitro that are more biologically representative of native in vivo-like cell growth and function.”

Tech from Singularity’s Children – Spex

I write about a lot of near-future tech in my Singularity’s Children books. One example are the Spex, a combination of neural interface and augmented reality (AR) head-up-display.

To get an idea what it will look like from the inside, check out this over-the-top; but probably—sadly—all too accurate video from Keiichi Matsuda.

I believe AR is going to be huge, but will only really take off when combined with at least enough neural interfacing to extract sub-vocalized speech from the brain (or perhaps from nerves in the throat). Nobody is going to want to wander around in public mumbling to Alexa or Siri and risking eavesdropping!

Of course, it’s only a short step from extracting superficial speech to full on brain-to-brain communication; aka telepathy.

And if this sounds a bit futuristic, there are already scientist able to extract and reconstruct the images the subjects are observing.

Recording dreams is coming! How crazy is that?!

For more, even more, if you have a spare half hour, check out this super interesting interview with Mary Lou Jepsen on Rod Reid’s ‘After On’ podcast.